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Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014


We have cambios tomorrow. I`m a little torn, but they`re always for the better. We`ll get to those though. Let`s see...what happened this week.

We decided that we really needed a way to get references. We have been struggling to get new investigators lately and we needed to do something. So we did a movie night. It was pretty fun. We watched a movie called Frozen. It was pretty cute. I had Wicked in my head for some reason the whole time we watched it. It wasn`t my very favorite, but it was good. We had a decent turn out for it and we got a few references so we were happy.

We also had Lupe`s baptism. She`s a little girl who`s 11 years old. We have worked with her, her mom, and her brother, but she was the one that wanted it most. They will keep working with her mom and brother though. It went smoothly and she seems to have incorporated into the Primary well.

I gave a talk on Sunday. It was alright. It get`s really annoying because there are days that I can speak, and then there are other days that I lose it all. Dang. Oh well....it went and it`s done. I spoke on covenants and renewing them. I enjoyed studying them at least haha.

Ok so changes. Usually they come Sunday nights, but we got them this morning. Lasike will continue to be in Bella mar and I will go to the area of Buenos Aires...It`s literally on the other side of the road of one of the sectors in our zone. I don`t know my comp, but she`s Latina. I hear good things about my ward and I hope I can keep it up. The funny thing is is EVERYONE thought Lasike was out, but it`s me. They`ve been so sad all week and getting ready for her to go...but haha nope. me.

Things are good and looking up. I`m ready to grow just a bit more. I love you all. Keep being good and know I love you SO much!

Love, Hermana Butterfield

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