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Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2013

Hello, all!

Oh man I really can´t believe it´s been another week. I feel like I say that a lot, but last night I was just thinking of how it seemed like yesterday I was sitting on my bed eating a mango and reading a conference talk half asleep. I feel like time is going pretty quick. Some days go really slowly, but really the time is fast. I hit my 9 month mark in Peru this last week so that was pretty cool.

I forgot to tell you all last week though, I met a penguin named Juan. Yep. In one of the poorer areas of my area, too. A penguin named Juan. He was really cute and super soft. Nothing I ever would have thought I would have seen in Peru. A penguin. He was pretty little and rather content just to sit and have you pet him. They said they just have a little bin of water that he can cool off in and he´s just fine. Who knew?

I did have the opportunity to go to another area in my zone and work with one of the sister training leaders, hermana Balcaza. She´s one of my better friends here in the mission. She´s from Argentina and we are actually in the same group and we´ve always joked about being companions or at least in the same zone so it was fun to go spend some time with her. We did not want me to go back to my area haha. It´s always fun to work with the other hermanas to see what they do differently and just have a change for a bit. It was fun seeing her area and meeting some of their investigators and members.

We did have the opportunity to have Graciela´s interview again on Saturday. I don´t know how much I´ve told you about Graciela, but she is a 78 year old woman who is such a gem. I just get a kick out of her. She reminds me a lot of Gma Butterfield actually. She had her baptismal interview a couple of weeks ago, but she has been Evangelica all of her life and she didn´t quite grasp the whole Joseph Smith thing...depending on the day. We watched the video of the Restoration later on and it helped her to understand more clearly. When we told her she had to have a new interview it broke my heart when she said, ¨I´m reading my scriptures, I´m praying, and I´m going to church! What more do you want me to do?¨ She passed her interview on Saturday and was baptized on Sunday after church. We were so happy because we were able to contact one of her friends from the other ward who is friends with Graciela's family members. She contacted them and they were able to make it for her baptism. Come to find out her nephew is one of the pioneer members in Chimbote. Very cool. She seemed very happy and I am happy that she could make the decision.

Last night we had a FHE with the Davilas. Betty has been reading her Book of Mormon and just loves it, so we talked about the first few chapters in 1 nefi. It was good. We made them floats, too! We found ice cream -- it was like the Peruvian Neapolitan, but a kind of caramel instead of chocolate -- and orange and strawberry soda. They seemed to like it. It´s always fun to spend time with them. We also got to talk on the phone with Betty´s brother who lives in the States. He is a member and has been trying to get her to join the church for a long time. It was fun to chat with him for a minute. Also, Gian Franco was able to pass the Sacrament and bare his testimony in Sacrament meeting. Very cool.

Well, I want to let you know that I know this church is true. I can honestly say that I see the changes it makes in us when we allow it. I knew the Gospel helped families and individuals before, but never really understood why or how. I know there are still so many things I don´t understand, but I´m starting to see a glimpse at how when we allow ourselves to be changed, the Lord will work miracles within us. We still have our trials and our shortcomings, but He seems to help make up the rest. Always. 

I love you all so much. I hope you know that. Keep smiling. Keep being strong. Remember your covenants.

Love, Hermana Butterfield

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